Careers, Digital Literacy, and Makerspaces Themes for Library 2.017 Online Conferences


The Library 2.017 Worldwide Virtual Conference kicks off March 29 with a look at the evolving information profession and how libraries can continue to thrive in our future society. Two more topical mini-conferences will follow in June and October.

Preparations for the Library 2.017 Worldwide Virtual Conference are underway, and the date of the first mini-conference for this free and online global event co-founded by the San José State University School of Information is set for March 29, 2017.

Library 2.017 Worldwide Virtual Conference Schedule:

  • Library 2.017: Expertise, Competencies and Careers – March 29, 2017
  • Library 2.017: Digital Literacy – June 2017
  • Library 2.017: Makerspaces – October 2017

Library 2.0 conference co-chairs Dr. Sandra Hirsh of the SJSU School of Information and Steve Hargadon of the Learning Revolution introduced the concept of three mini-conferences in 2016, and based on positive feedback, they will continue the shorter, thematic format in 2017.

“I’ve enjoyed your past conferences and have always learned a lot. I’m so glad that you switched to the shorter, topic-focused events as they are easier for me to take part in and fit into my work day,” commented a Library 2.016 attendee in the post-conference survey.

The first mini-conference is being organized in partnership with the American Library Association and will feature ALA president Julie Todaro as moderator for the opening keynote. Invited panelists will take a look forward at the skills and knowledge needed to support successful libraries of the future, examining educational programs and employer expectations. Todaro will also give the closing keynote following the crowdsourced presentations. Library 2.017: Expertise, Competencies and Careers will be held online from 12 – 3 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Wednesday March 29, 2017.

The Library 2.0 conferences are participatory events, and information professionals worldwide are encouraged to not only attend the online sessions, but also share their knowledge by submitting a presentation proposal. The call for papers for Library 2.017: Expertise, Competencies and Careers is set to go out in mid-January, with acceptances beginning in early February.

Hirsh and Hargadon are also in the midst of organizing the second and third Library 2.017 mini-conferences. The June session will cover digital literacy and the October event will discuss makerspaces.

More information about the Library 2.017 free and online conferences is posted on the conference website at Past conferences, including the October 2016 “Libraries of the Future” mini-conference, were also archived and all the presentations are openly available.