SJSU iSchool and ALA Collaborate to Offer Advanced e-Course on Cataloging


The San José State University (SJSU) School of Information is teaming up with the American Library Association (ALA) again to offer an online professional development course, this time on the topic of cataloging, with instruction designed specifically for non-catalogers.

The Cataloging for Non-Catalogers course, taught by Dr. Sylvia Hall-Ellis, is the second advanced e-Course resulting from the collaboration between the SJSU iSchool and ALA. According to the ALA press release, “The SJSU iSchool / ALA Publishing advanced e-courses offer in-depth, advanced training that take participants from introductory to high-level content in 12 short weeks. Award-winning SJSU iSchool faculty members help participants dig deep into relevant course topics to provide applicable knowledge and skills that can transform their work.”

Hall-Ellis, a lecturer at the SJSU iSchool, is an expert in cataloging who served from 2006-2007 as chair of the ALA’s Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) Committee on the Recruitment, Training, and Education of Catalogers.

Hall-Ellis believes one of the most important aspects of work in a library or information center is “the attention paid to the organization for focused, quick, and efficient retrieval.” She explains, “The importance of relating the intellectual content within a bibliographic record in cataloging to the information-seeking public is a critical reason that cataloging is important as a component of library school and professional development for paraprofessional colleagues.”

The Cataloging for Non-Catalogers advanced e-Course “is ideal for working professionals who have no cataloging experience and need to learn the basics quickly, for individuals who want to broaden their professional skill set, and for institutions and organizations that would like their non-cataloging staff to become proficient at hands-on cataloging.”

The course is delivered fully online and runs for 12 weeks beginning Sept. 22, 2014. All coursework is completed asynchronously. Upon completion of course requirements, participants will receive a certificate. The course costs $1,000 and registration is available via the ALA store.