Student Marc Schatkun Published in Information Processing and Management


Photo of Marc SchatkunMarc Schatkun, San José State University School of Information MLIS student, was recently published in the scholarly journal Information Processing & Management. His paper, “A second look at Egghe’s universal IR surface and a simple derivation of a complete set of universal IR evaluation points,” details his solution to a problem in universal IR evaluation. Schatkun says he chose IPM for his paper because of “similar articles already published on this subject.”

Currently enrolled SJSU School of Information students can read Schatkun’s article through King Library’s ScienceDirect database. Full citation:

Schatkun, M. (2010). A second look at Egghe’s universal IR surface and a simple derivation of a complete set of universal IR evaluation points. Information Processing and Management, 46(1), 110-114.