Library 2.0 Virtual Conferences


Library 2.0 Virtual Conferences
Library 2.025 Worldwide Virtual Conference

The San José State University School of Information announces its first of three virtual Library 2.0 mini-conferences in 2025, to be held on Thursday, March 13. These events are free to attend, and all of the sessions will be recorded and made available to attendees. 

Library 2.025 AI and Libraries

AI and Libraries: Literacy, Ethics, and Responsible Use

Our first Library 2.025 mini-conference, ”AI and Libraries: Literacy, Ethics, and Responsible Use,” will be held online (and for free) on Thursday, March 13, from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. US-Pacific Time.

Who Should Attend: Librarians, educators, technologists, and thought leaders

Presentation Topics: The sessions will explore the critical role that libraries can play in addressing both the opportunities and ethical challenges of AI. From encouraging digital literacy and ethical awareness to guiding the responsible use of AI, libraries are potentially at the forefront showing how emerging AI technologies can be used equitably and responsibly in their communities. Attendees will explore:

  • Actionable insights to help navigate the complex ethical questions relating to AI and the unique role of libraries and librarians in addressing them.
  • Practical strategies for integrating AI tools into library and education settings using ethical best practices while empowering users with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven world. 
  • How libraries can not only adapt to this rapidly changing landscape but can also act as catalysts for knowledge diffusion, shaping a more informed, and innovative future for all of our users.

Our special conference chair is Chad Mairn, a professor, librarian, and founder of the Innovation Lab at St. Petersburg College.

Please visit the conference website for more information, including speaker biographies, the call for proposals, and registration instructions.

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