

Textbooks by Semester

LIBR 275-01
LIBR 275-10
Library Services for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Communities
Spring 2009 Outline and Readings

Dr. Ziming Liu
Office Hours: Virtually by e-mail or in person by appointment

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Outline & Readings
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Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV

*Note: required readings

Part I. Background/Issues

*Caidi, N.; Allard, D. (2005). Social inclusion of newcomers to Canada: An information problem? Library and Information Science Research, 27(3), 302-324.

*Courtney, N. (2001). Barbarians at the gates; A half-century of unaffiliated users in academic libraries. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 27(6): 473-480.

Center for Policy Development. (1990). Adrift in a sea of change: California's public libraries struggle to meet the information needs of multicultural communities. Sacramento, CA: Distributed by California State Library Foundation.

Cunningham, A. (2004). Global and local support dimensions for emerging community languages. Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services, 17,113-124.

*Freiband, S. J. (1992). Multicultural issues and concerns in library education. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 33(4): 287-294.

Nance-Mitchell, V. E. (1996). A multicultural library: Strategies for the twenty-first century. College & Research Libraries, 57(5): 405-413.

Neely, T. & Lee-Smeltzer, K. (2001).  Diversity now: People, collections, and services in academic libraries. Haworth Press, Inc.

*Shen, L. (2002). The dilemma of urban library service for the homeless.
Current Studies in Librarianship, 26(1/2), 77-83.

*Stern, S. (1991). Ethnic libraries and librarianship in the United States: Models and prospects. Advances in librarianship, 15, 77-102.

Zielinska, M. F.; Kirkwood, F. T. eds. (1992). Multicultural librarianship: An international handbook. Munchen; New York: K.G. Saur.

Part II. Groups

Part III: Services/Programs

(collection development; bibliographic instruction; reference; recruitment)

*Cichanowicz, E.; Chen, N. (2004). Planning for multilingual chat reference service in a suburban public library system. The Reference Librarian. 85, 115-126.

*Clay, E. S. (2006). They don't look like me: Library multicultural awareness and issues. Virginia Libraries, 52(4), 10 - 14.

*Fish, J. (1992). Responding to cultural diversity: A library in transition. Wilson Library Bulletin, 34-37 (Feb, 1992).

*Friedman, A. (2006). Defining images: Redefining outreach to new Americans. Virginia Libraries, 52(2), 31-33.

*Gavier, M.J. & Scobey, S.E. (2001). Enhancing and promoting library services to attract diverse populations. Colorado Libraries, 27(4), 12-15.

*Gomez, M. (2000). Who Is Most Qualified to Serve Our Ethnic-Minority Communities? American Libraries, 31(11), 39-41.

*Marquis, S. (2003). Collections and services for the Spanish-speaking: Issues and resources. Public Libraries, 42(2), 106-12.

*Scarborough, K. (1991). Collections for emerging majority. Library Journal, 44-47 (6/15/91)

Shipman, J., Daly, D., Henry, J. (2004). Partnering with the community: A women’s health network for multicultural communities. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, 8(4), 27-39.

Shirley, G. (2003). Correctional libraries, library standards, and diversity. Journal of Correctional Education, 54 (2), 70-74.

*Venturella, K. M. ed. (1998). Poor people and library services. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company. --The Free Library of Philadelphia technology demonstration project (p. 80-90)

Part IV: Impact of New IT

*Howland, J. S. (1998). The 'digital divide': are we becoming a world of technological 'haves' and 'have-nots'? The Electronic Library, 16 (5): 287-288.

*Moe, T. (2004). Bridging the “digital divide” in the Colorado Libraries. Public Libraries, 43(4), 227-232.

Plotnikoff, D. (1998). "Digital divide" growing wider (Study: computer, Internet use spreads, but so do gaps between haves, and have-nots). San Jose Mercury News (07/28/1998).

*Summary report of the 1996 forum on library and information services policy on impact of information technology and special programming on library services to special populations.