Lettie Conrad


Lettie’s doctoral work is inspired by her professional dedication to scholarly communications and publishing. Her thesis is a grounded theory study of information experiences with managing academic information, specifically for student-researchers in social science masters’ programs. Lettie’s interactive interview method used card-sorting exercises to externalize the otherwise hidden meanings and personal expressions inherent in experiences of information management. Her findings challenge the often homogenous, systems-centric approaches to the individual management of information. Lettie’s work offers humanistic, inclusive approaches to developing positive and productive academic information experiences.

With 20 years of experience in scholarly publishing, Lettie is dedicated to helping information organizations cultivate a user-centered, standards-compliant approach to digital publishing and academic program. She serves as North America Editor for Learned Publishing and writes for the Scholarly Kitchen blog. Links to her publications and other details can be found on Lettie’s ORCID profile.

Dissertation Title: Managing academic information: A grounded theory model of the student-researcher information experience

San José Supervisor: Dr. Virginia Tucker


  • Master of Arts, Mass Communication, California State University, Northridge
  • Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, University of California, Santa Cruz

Current or Most Recent Position:

  • Publishing & Product Development Consultant