Collaborating for Success: A Hispanic Heritage Month Case Study
Diversity Webinar Series

Webcast Nicanor Diaz Nadia Rendon

The San José State University School of Information’s Diversity Committee presents ”Collaborating for Success: A Hispanic Heritage Month Case Study,” with guest speakers Nadia Rendon and Nicanor Diaz, both from the Denver Public Library.

Rendon and Diaz discussed methods on garnering meaningful partnerships and creating popular Hispanic events. This case study displayed the significant work they did throughout 2021, including images of the library’s most notable Hispanic programs, including cooking classes, Hispanic genealogy programs, a Lotería Mexicana, a Latin music concert, and more.

The discussion included helpful tactics on event planning and effectively collaborating with other library departments and community organizations to ensure program success, such as finding the right local organizations who are willing to partner with the library, working with the library’s communication department on bilingual library cards and fliers, and garnering the funding for these events.

Rendon and Diaz’s work on how to design and execute programs for their community is a powerful example of how all libraries can connect with their Hispanic communities.

Zoom Recording: 
Passcode: I#3^Nv$2