CIRI Blog Overview


CIRI Blog Overview

iSchool faculty members have their own blog to share updates on their research projects, innovative ideas for advancing online teaching and learning, experiences with emerging technologies, thoughts on research methods, and whatever else is percolating in their minds. It’s a treasure trove of inspiration and knowledge.

New posts are published monthly. We encourage you to visit the blog often and share your comments.  

The most recent blog post presents an interview with iSchool student Irene Miller, who was an active participant in CPGE Online Student Conference. This conference is the annual college-wide conference that aims to showcase student work and provide a space for students to network. Irene presented at both the 2023 and 2024 conference and her work drew much attention from the CPGE student community. We had the pleasure of interviewing her about her reflections on the conference experience.  Read the blog post on CIRI Blog.

“Presenting at conferences and creating posters is an important aspect of many LIS positions. The iSchool provides several different opportunities for students to begin to learn how to create presentation materials and present. While creating a presentation does require time and effort, venues like the CPGE Online Student Conference are low-risk and friendly environments for presenting. Participating in this conference is both good for a resume or CV as well as a confidence building experience.” - Irene Miller