INFO 289 Standards and Grading
Standards and Grading — INFO 289
The e-Portfolio will be assessed according to a standard checklist; see: “How should my e-Portfolio be organized and presented?”
The standards that are applied to the e-Portfolio components—the Introduction, the statements of competency and the evidence presented for meeting competencies, and the Summary and Conclusions—are either “deficient” or “satisfactory.”
Deficient can mean that the discussion or evidence presented is poorly written, not relevant, or insufficiently demonstrates basic knowledge about a topic, principle, or competency.
Satisfactory means that the student’s statement of competency and evidence demonstrates that he or she not only knows about the principle or topic in the competency, but also understands and can “do” something with it, such as apply it or put it into practice in an appropriate setting, or use it to plan for and create products or services.
“Know” and “can do” are the guiding elements in the judgment by which deficient-to-satisfactory is determined for the statements of competency and the evidence presented in the e-Portfolios. What we know is not sufficient; demonstrating what we can do with what we know is satisfactory.
See Competency Statement Rubrics (what specifically needs to be addressed for an ACCEPTABLE or SATISFACTORY statement of competency).