INFO 298 Special Studies
INFO 298 Special Studies
MLIS students have the opportunity to take a special (independent) study course, INFO 298 Special Studies. This course is offered every semester. Note that this course is available only to those students who have completed the core classes of INFO 200, 202 and 204.
In general, students only sign up for an INFO 298 when they have a special topic they want to study or research that is not covered by one of the regular classes. In some cases, students may also sign up for INFO 298 at the request of a faculty member conducting her/his own research, or a faculty member who needs an assistant for a research project.
The class may be taken for 1 to 3 units, and can be repeated for a maximum of six units of credit. It has credit/no credit grading. One unit is equivalent to 45 hours of work; 2 units are equivalent to 90 hours of work; three units are equivalent to 135 hours of work.
Topics can be theoretical or practical and can be presented in a variety of formats such as Word documents, wikis, blogs, podcasts, videos, or websites.
Any full-time faculty member can supervise a INFO 298 (though are not required to do so).
If you wish to initiate a INFO 298 you need to submit a topic to a full-time faculty member. Your submission should provide detailed information about the proposed topic including deliverables and a timeline.
Also, show how the work meets the hours required for the number of units (45 hours for one unit; 90 hours for two units; 135 hours for 3 units).
Note: Do not sign up for INFO 298 until you have a faculty member’s agreement on your proposed project. Once you have that agreement you can sign up during open registration as follows:
Regular Session
INFO 298-01 (1 unit)
INFO 298-02 (2 units)
INFO 298-03 (3 units)
Special Session
INFO 298-10 (1 unit)
INFO 298-11 (2 units)
INFO 298-12 (3 units)