Technology Support



Caspio Tutorials

The Caspio database management software is used in the INFO 202 Information Retrieval System Design course, effective Summer 2022. Support materials and tutorials are available on the INFO 202 course resources blog:



San Jose State University uses Zoom for web conferencing. Zoom includes an instant message tool which expands communication options for students and faculty members.

Each iSchool student and faculty member has their own Pro Zoom account. Pro account users can host unlimited meetings. Meeting participants do not have to be affiliated with SJSU nor do they have to have Zoom accounts to join a meeting. Zoom can host meetings with up to 300 participants.


WebData Pro Tutorials

WebDataPro Discontinued in iSchool Courses

WebDataPro has been discontinued as a software tool in iSchool courses, effective June 2022. The tutorials are being maintained here for benefit of INFO 289 e-Portfolio students who may wish to use materials created using WebDataPro as evidence.


Home Computing Environment

Please note that the School requires that prior to enrolling and starting the INFO 203 course  all incoming students have computer access in their homes with the following minimum hardware, as well as home internet access:


iSchool Alert and Email Lists

The iSchoolAlert notification system is used to distribute information to the iSchool student community.

All active students are automatically added to iSchoolAlert and will periodically receive important administrative information via iSchoolAlert. All members of the iSchool student community are required to remain on iSchoolAlert.