Ann McGinley


Ann McGinley

MLIS 2012
Adult Services Manager
Loma Colorado Main Library
Rio Rancho, NM USA

What I am doing now.

I coordinate all the activities of the Adult Services department at a medium-sized public library, supervising four full-time permanent employees. I analyze department workflow and find ways to increase productivity, particularly in collection development and public programs. I participate in collection development by selecting and weeding the collection of adult music. I also lead or participate in interdepartmental committees for summer reading program, collection development policy revision, hiring, adoption of new technologies, grant writing, and social media. I work a couple of hours a week at a reference desk that serves both adults and children. On a temporary basis, I am also the acting manager of the Youth Services department, supervising three Youth Services librarians.

What are the most valuable skills I use in my job?

I took several SLIS courses that are helpful to my current position,  including interpersonal communication, reference and information services, and Web 2.0.

I wish I had taken collection development, reader’s advisory, project management, and grant writing.

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