Cross-Campus Interdisciplinary Responsible Computing Learning Experience (CIRCLE)
Nada Attar
Souvick Ghosh
Darra Hofman
Michele Villagran
The Cross-Campus Interdisciplinary Responsible Computing Learning Experience (CIRCLE) Project is meant to bring students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines and backgrounds at San Jose State University – Silicon Valley’s public university, and one of the most diverse universities in the United States – into meaningful conversations about and engagement with digital technologies and their broader social impacts.
University Scholars Presentation: Dr. Souvick Ghosh
CIRCLE Co-PI, iSchool Assistant Professor Souvick Ghosh will present at the next University Scholar Series on Wednesday, November 6th from 12 to 1pm. His talk is titled “Bridging Sociotechnical Divides: Trustworthy AI for Community Well-Being and Fair Decision-Making.” This series is hosted by the Office of the Provost in partnership with the Division of Research and Innovation and the SJSU King Library. This VIRTUAL-ONLY event is free and open to the public. If you would like to join us in what is sure to be a really fascinating conversation, please fill out the registration form.
- Use real data collected by the diversity office at SJSU. We will process the data and transfer it into CIRCLE’s modules where students can use it in different courses. Students can use this dataset to analyze, apply data visualization, or classify it using algorithms. They will learn the impact of bias technology or evaluation methods on the dataset.
- The CIRCLE Cafes will increase students and faculty exposures to topics on policies, building better technologies, etc.
- Responsible computing libguide.
- We will provide evaluation pre and post each phase of CIRCLE project. Assessments will also be used to measure the learning outcomes for students and the impact of the projects.
- Narrative – Free response after.
- Digital humanities – could share a story.
- For all the courses that we will create or revise, we will implement assessments that integrate CIRCLE goals, especially when designing and creating assignments and hands-on exercises.
- Publications on the same venue can be also used to evaluate the impact of the project.