Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
The San José State University School of Information offers a number of Online Wellness Resources for its students, including counseling services and support groups.
For faculty members who wish to help a student who is struggling, you can find a number of available services on the Crisis Resources page.
In addition, the SJSU iSchool is proud to welcome Loida Garcia-Febo as our first ever Health and Wellness Ambassador.
As the SJSU iSchool Health and Wellness Ambassador, Loida will write a Health and Wellness Blog, advise the iSchool on related curriculum, answer questions from students and alumni, and host an Annual Health and Wellness in Libraries symposium.
To view a recording of our recent Library 2.0 symposium on Mental Health and Wellness: Library Workers Thriving in Uncertain Times, go here.
The new position reflects our commitment to the critical importance of health and wellness for us all – as individuals, as professionals, within our curriculum, and as an entire organization and society.
About Loida
Loida has served as president of ALA (2018-2019) and REFORMA (2009-2010) and is an international library consultant and expert in library services to diverse populations and human rights. Known worldwide for her passion about diversity, communities, sustainability, innovation and digital transformation, library workers, library advocacy, wellness for library workers, and new librarians, she has taught in 44 countries and helps libraries, companies and organizations strategize programs, services and strategies in areas related to these topics and many others. She is currently the chair of ALA UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Task Force.