Health and Wellness


Welcome to The Librarians’ Wellness Era: Trends for 2024

Published: January 18, 2024, by Loida Garcia-Febo, Health and Wellness Ambassador

New year, new resolutions. All librarians have goals. Some want to finish researching and submitting a paper, others want to design cool programs for library patrons. Usually, lists of goals for the new year include items such as performing well at work, researching, attending conferences, applying for grants, figuring out solutions, and having a sharp mind to deal with anything that comes our way.

How can we excel in meeting our goals? I believe it all comes down to our wellness status and the choices we have made to support our health. In this blog post, I look at what experts are declaring to be wellness trends for the year ahead.


iSchool Prioritizes Health and Wellness with Addition of New Advisor

Loida Garcia-Febo

Focused on health and wellness, the San José State University School of Information has tapped into Loida Garcia-Febo’s expertise and passion for wellness in librarianship, bringing her on board as the iSchool’s first health and wellness advisor. Garcia-Febo is past-president of the American Library Association, among other noteworthy positions. In this new role at the iSchool, she will bring a variety of resources about mental health and wellness.