Career e-Portfolios for Landing a Job


Career e-Portfolios to Help Land a Job

Using a career e-portfolio in your job search is one more way you can showcase your skills and abilities to prospective employers. Whether or not you completed the INFO 289 e-portfolio class, you can still create a career e-portfolio that will showcase your strengths, help you get that interview, and perhaps even help you land the job.

Online portfolios allow you to:

  • demonstrate your ability to effectively utilize and embrace innovative ideas and technology
  • highlight relevant major coursework, projects, and experience that demonstrate your skill development for a specific job
  • represent yourself and your skills in a lively, interactive, attractive format with examples of real work
  • showcase your understanding of how you can apply what you have learned

Why Use a Career e-Portfolio

Your career e-Portfolio, much like your resume, is a demonstration of your skills, abilities, and achievements as they relate to the type of position you are seeking. Additionally, you can now include text, files, images, multimedia, blog entries, links, audio, and video. Creating a digital portfolio for a specific job listing can demonstrate your professional capabilities and make you more attractive to employers. It is also a quick way for employers to access your relevant projects and accomplishments.


Getting Started on Your Career e-Portfolio

Many iSchool students enroll in INFO 289 or MARA 289 and create e-portfolios to demonstrate their mastery of the iSchool program’s Core Competencies. While these portfolios are strong academic products, and are often text- and content-rich, they will need a bit of reshaping in order to work as effective job application tools.


Career e-Portfolio Tips and Resources

Whatever platform you choose, follow these tips to create a professional, targeted, and customized career resource that showcases your unique value to an employer.