INFO 289 e-Portfolio Handbook


INFO 289 e-Portfolio Handbook

INFO 289: Advanced Topics in Library and Information Science (e-Portfolio)

Student Handbook

The culminating experience for our MLIS program requires students to select, document, and assemble evidence of their competence in a series of skill areas the faculty have deemed essential for entry-level professional performance.

The Electronic Portfolio (e-Portfolio) option is one of two ways (see also Thesis) in which a student may satisfy the University’s requirements for a culminating experience. The goal of the e-Portfolio is to provide a program-based assessment to ensure that each student demonstrates mastery of all program learning outcomes (core competencies) for the degree before graduation. For a list of the core competencies (program learning outcomes), see: Core Competencies.

Students selecting the e-Portfolio option as opposed to the thesis option should register for INFO 289: Advanced Topics in Library and Information Science. INFO 289 is a 3-unit formal graduate course; students should thus expect to devote a minimum of 135 hours to developing and refining their e-Portfolios. The three credits for this course count toward the total of 43 units required for the MLIS degree. Successful completion of the course will result in a Credit grade being given for INFO 289.

INFO 289 is administratively coordinated by the Associate Director, Dr. Linda Main. Responsibilities of the associate director as INFO 289 Course Coordinator include randomly assigning e-Portfolio advisers, maintaining the course handbook, serving as an instructor of record, posting the grades assigned by e-Portfolio advisers, and managing the process of problem resolution, as needed.

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