Student Groups


Your Voices Student Projects
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The School of Information and the Applied Data Science Department recognize how critical it is to foster discussion and solicit input about advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion to educate the next generation of information professionals. Without an inclusive and culturally aware environment, our academic units cannot enhance the student experience or understand the value of their presence at San José State University.

Your Voices project


Virtual Center For Archives & Records Administration (VCARA)

An iSchool student group, VCARA is a MARA-created space and community based in the virtual world Second Life (SL). We offer many resources both in SL and online including annual conferences, events, exhibits, trainings, and webcasts.

VCARA is open to all students, alumni, educators, and other professionals interested in virtual worlds and any aspect of information science including archives, education, libraries, records, and special collections.