Find Your Program
The San José State University School of Information offers a variety of learning solutions designed specifically for the 21st century information professions.
With our fully online delivery model, students gain the flexibility and convenience of living anywhere while they pursue their educational goals. We invite you to learn more about each of these online programs.
Master OF Library and Information Science – 43 units
The top-ranked MLIS program prepares students for exciting careers as information professionals who work in myriad information environments and professional positions. With numerous electives and a variety of course topics available, you can customize your studies to your interests and career goals. Recognized as an “outstanding online program” by the Online Learning Consortium, the MLIS program is accredited with Continued status by the American Library Association.
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- Typical MLIS Careers
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Master of Archives and Records Administration – 42 units
The MARA program prepares students for careers as archivists, records managers, or information professionals who are ready to work in the fields of corporate archives, electronic records and information governance. This unique program is the first of its kind in the United States and is celebrating its 10 year anniversary in 2018. Delivered fully online, students gain hands-on technology skills while learning both theory and practice.
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- Typical MARA Careers
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Master of Science in Informatics – 30 Units
The MS in Informatics program is ideal for students with technical and non-technical backgrounds who are interested in exploring connections between people and technology. Course work covers the Informatics foundation skill set with a focus in one of three domains: Health (including Telehealth), Sports or Cybersecuirty and Privacy.
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master of science in instructional design and technology – 34 units
The San José State University School of Information is expanding its fully online master’s degree offerings with a new Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology. The first cohort begins in fall 2025. This exciting new online master’s degree program will prepare students to work in teaching, training, organizational management, and human performance improvement environments.
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Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Data Analytics – 60 units
Gateway PhD in Library and Information Management
The Gateway PhD program is offered through a partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University in Manchester, England. This international research-focused doctoral program affords a unique opportunity for students to earn a PhD in Library and Information Management from Manchester Met without having to relocate to England or disrupt their current careers. From 2008 to 2021, the Gateway PhD program’s partner university was Queensland University of Technology in Australia.
California Teacher Librarian Services Credential – 31 units
As a student in our fully online California Teacher Librarian Services Credential program, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment in K – 12 schools, including collaboration, technology leadership, and program administration. The 31-unit program course work is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. While not required, California Teacher Librarian Services Credential program students are encouraged to complete additional courses and earn their MLIS degree.
- Explore the California Teacher Librarian Services Credential Program
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Advanced Certificate in Digital Assets and Services – 9 units
Gain the practical skills needed to integrate and manage digital and physical assets and make all of it accessible to users by earning your Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Digital Assets and Services. Students currently enrolled in our school’s master’s degree programs have the option to earn the advanced certificate concurrently without incurring additional fees. This program is also open to non-iSchool students. The Advanced Certificate in Digital Assets and Services program is nine units and can be completed in as quickly as two semesters. All courses are delivered fully online.
Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Certificate – 9 Units
Post-Master’s Certificate in Library and Information Science – 16 units
Stay on top of 21st century trends and update your professional knowledge in the information field. The Post-Master’s Certificate in Library and Information Science program is 16 units and can be completed in as little as one year. Students engage in a collaborative learning environment with graduate students and faculty in our school’s ALA-accredited MLIS program. This certificate program is open to individuals who already have a master’s degree.
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Professional Development
Open Classes – Variable units
This continuing education program is open to anyone who has a bachelor’s degree. Current and future information professionals can enroll in one or more fully online, master’s-level courses, and earn college credit. Most electives offered in our school’s master’s degree programs are available though the Open Classes program. It’s a great way to build valuable new skills and/or get a head start on your master’s degree.
Culture and Community Symposia and Webcasts
Students, alumni, and information professionals and encouraged to sign up and attend online presentations featuring special guest speakers on a variety of topics, including EDI and National Heritage Month celebrations. The sessions are recorded and made available on the school’s website and YouTube Channel.
Coursera Career Academy
iSchool students, alumni, faculty and staff have the incredible opportunity to further their education by taking online courses offered in the Coursera Career Academy. A limited number of licenses will be made available as an opt-in option.
Library 2.0 Worldwide Virtual Conference
Since 2011, the iSchool has been instrumental in bringing the world together for enlightening conversations about libraries. These online conferences are always free to attend, and the sessions are recorded. Featuring keynote lectures and crowdsourced presentations, the conference theme is fully explored and leaves attendees in deep thought with a list of action items.
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Explore the SJSU campus
Most iSchool students never step foot on the San Jose State University campus. They complete their degree entirely online, using their imagination to envision the palm trees swaying in the California breeze.
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Emails are sent about once a month and include news announcements relevant to future students, such as new courses being offered in our programs, curriculum updates, virtual information sessions, webinars, and application deadlines.
The SJSU iSchool does NOT share your personal contact information with third parties.
Prospective Student Advisory Appointments
The Student Services team members are available to assist prospective students who are interested in learning more about the iSchool’s programs. Applying to graduate school is a big deal. If a master’s degree, certificate, or credential are in your future plans, we encourage you to schedule a one-on-one online appointment. Prospective students and applicants can receive assistance with questions about our master’s degree, Teacher Librarian Services Credential, certificates, and Open Classes programs.