Kathryn Levenson
MLIS 2012
Teacher Librarian
Piedmont High School at the Ambassador Christopher Steven’s Memorial Library
Piedmont, CA USA
What I am doing now.
Besides all the usual daily tasks, I handle the textbooks, write Grant’s, teach research lessons. I was on our WASC Leadership Committee for the last 3 years and led the Assessment Team meetings. I was the Producer for the famous 53rd Annual Bird Calling Contest. I am the advisor for the Asian Student Union. I am assisting a vice principal to update our school and district safety plan.
We support 1:1 Chromebooks for our 840 students and have a popup tech desk at lunch. We have a test center, the publications office, and two conference rooms. We also allow students to eat lunch in the library. It is a sometimes noisy, but always busy, vital library and collaboration space.
I belong to ALA, YALSA, CSLA and presented on supporting a Chromebook program at the 2018 CSLA conference.
What are the most valuable skills I use in my job?
Friendly attitude, always willing to pitch in to help teachers, students, and administrators. Multitasking. Grant writing. Combing neighborhood websites for low-cost chairs and beanbags to make our library cosy.
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