Marina Aiello
MLIS 2011
Technology and Instructional Design Lead, kpLibraries NCAL
Kaiser Permanente
Oakland, CA USA
What I am doing now.
I am the Technology and Instructional Design Lead for Kaiser Permanente Libraries in Northern California. My work is focused on evaluating and implementing emerging technologies that will improve or expand services and access to library resources. I collaborate with colleagues on the development of e-Learning modules/tools for Kaiser Permanente Employees and affiliated users, and am currently focused on the creation of tutorials and software simulations using Captivate. I also work with the entire library team to build staff awareness of new technologies and provide staff training for library technology (e.g. virtual reference services/platforms). I maintain and coordinate the content of the kpLibraries’ web page, including various online library guides and instructional documents. In addition to these duties, I perform research to support evidence-based practice for our health care providers, as well as develop and deliver in-person and virtual instruction for library users.
What are the most valuable skills I use in my job?
The skills that I learned at the iSchool that have been the most beneficial in my current role are:
- Technology Tools/Skills for website management, building Wordpress and SharePoint sites, planning and implementing new online tools
- Collaboration for completing projects as a team, as well as participating on and leading library and inter-disciplinary committees
- Experience with Learning Management Systems and Online Instruction for working with colleagues across different regions (using web conferencing tools), developing e-Learning tutorials/modules and delivering virtual instruction synchronously or asynchronously
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