Melissa Jeanne Anderson
MLIS 2016
Campus Engagement & Research Services Librarian
Southern Oregon University
Ashland, OR USA
What I am doing now.
I am the subject librarian for business and economics and also develop, implement, and assess research services programming, activities, and projects. I teach a variety of library research sessions and participate in the instruction, assessment, and outreach activities of the library.
What are the most valuable skills I use in my job?
I use the skills acquired in my instructional design course frequently, and since I coordinate our reference services, the variety of outreach and reference skills I learned in my reference services course have also been really useful. One of my favorite courses was information visualization and I’ve just started a project to collect some new data, create visualizations, and then use those visualizations for outreach. Finally, I think one of the reasons I was offered my current position was my interest in assessment, and so I’m very grateful to have gained assessment knowledge and skills in several of my iSchool classes and activities.
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