Ryan Gan


Ryan Gan

MLIS 2006
Systems Librarian/Assistant Professor
El Camino College​
Torrance, CA USA

What I am doing now.

“Systems librarianship is the art and science of combining the principles of librarianship with the abilities of computing technology.”- Eric Lease Morgan

I have just completed my first year as Systems Librarian and Assistant Professor at El Camino College. Right now I am responsible for the migration from Sierra Integrated Library System (ILS) to Ex Libris Alma/Primo Library Services Platform (LSP). In my day to day duties I work with my fellow librarians and staff, the college’s students and faculty, our IT and outside vendors to provide quality library service.

What are the most valuable skills I use in my job?

My supervisory, project management, and communication skills help me be effective as a professor and librarian. I also took many programming and networking classes at the iSchool and they planted the seeds for me to become a Systems Librarian.

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