Tracy Wolfe


Tracy Wolfe

MLIS 2011
Search Editor
Getty Images
Seattle, WA USA

What I am doing now.

At Getty Images, I work on the Search Data Strategy team. As a Search Editor, I am responsible for optimizing the searchability of images on the website. To do this, I perform edits on the existing metadata, evaluate and add terms to the vocabulary, and oversee the keywording provided by external vendors, contributors and image partners.

I work with other editors and the vocabulary team to ensure that our changes are effective and consistent and make sense beyond just the US English site. In the course of the day, I look at everything from Johnny Depp to kittens – all with the goal of enhancing findability for Getty customers.

Our vocabulary includes everything that can be photographed, so it is very large. All in all, quite an enjoyable and busy way to spend time.

What are the most valuable skills I use in my job?

Although my entire SLIS experience applies to my day-to-day, the most useful courses for me were Vocabulary Design, Digital Asset Management and the Seminar in Metadata. I also have employed several facets of the Research Methods course in aiding discovery on user experience issues.

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