Applying for School of Information Awards


Please submit your iSchool Award Application via Canvas. Do Not FAX to the iSchool — FAXes will not be accepted.

DEADLINE: February 29 for the Haycock Award and March 30 for all other awards (11:59 PM PT)

How to Fill Out and Submit the iSchool Award Application

Follow the instructions below to successfully complete and submit your application to nominate yourself or someone else for the iSchool Graduating Student Awards.

You will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat to download and complete this form online.

Each application and nomination for the Awards of Excellence will be considered for all available awards. Please submit one application or nomination, highlighting any points related to the selection criteria that strengthen the application/nomination.

  1. Click to iSchool Award Form.
  2. Do a FILE/SAVE AS to your computer desktop, and rename the Award Application as follows: [YOURLASTNAME_YOURFIRSTNAME_STUDENTIDNUMBER_short name of award].pdf. Select the correct SHORT NAME for the Award from this list. If you are nominating a student, use the STUDENT’S LAST NAME AND FIRST NAME in the filename, not your own. If you are nominating a student and do not know the student’s SJSU ID#, it is okay to omit it from the filename.
  3. Open this file from your desktop and, using Adobe Reader, TYPE directly into the Scholarship Application you see displayed on your computer screen.
  4. Now SAVE to your desktop. SAVE AS: [YOURLASTNAME_YOURFIRSTNAME_STUDENTIDNUMBER_short name of award].pdf. Select the correct SHORT NAME for the Award from this list. If you are nominating a student, use the STUDENT’S LAST NAME AND FIRST NAME in the filename, not your own. If you are nominating a student and do not know the student’s SJSU ID#, it is okay to omit it from the filename. (Same file name as step 2 above).
  5. Upload your form onto the Canvas Scholarships & Awards drop box in the iSchool Advising and Administration Canvas site, (a site all MLIS and MARA students are enrolled in throughout their program). Aug. and Dec. Graduates: If you no longer have access to the Advising site on Canvas, submit your completed form by email to Roffna Principe.
  6. Make sure to drop it into the correct drop box — there are drop boxes for each Scholarship and for each Award.

QUESTIONS? Email the Student Services Team.