Create Your Own Networking Card
I have been asked for tips on how to create a networking business card to use when attending conferences and other networking functions. Having your own personalized networking card is a great way to stand out from the crowd and gives you something tangible to leave behind when a resume just isn’t appropriate. While there is no one right way to create your networking business card, here are some ideas and general tips you MIGHT want to consider:
• Use the front and back side of your card
• Create a mini snapshot of your key accomplishments
• Include your name and contact information
• Include your major, degree, and date of graduation or expected date of graduation
• Include your LinkedIn account, blog address or link to a portfolio
• List your area(s) of specialization or qualifications summary
• Identify the type of position you are seeking or your career objective
• Include your top 3-5 skills that relate to the type of position you are seeking
• Be selective, you can’t include everything
If you want more information or would like to see examples, just do a Google search. You can print cards on your own using card stock templates or check out the deals on In the end, your networking card is a representation of you, so be sure it conveys the message you want to send.
Share your networking business card ideas or post a question.
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