Renew Yourself and Your Career

Career Blog

Published: March 17, 2017 by Kate M. Spaulding

Renew Yourself offers career planning guidance for the student or mid-career professional.

The spring equinox and Persian New Year (or Nowruz) occur in a few days. Daylight savings time screwed up my sleep schedule this week. Christians around the world are a couple of weeks into the season of Lent, and the Jewish holiday of Passover begins in a few weeks. Cute baby farm animals are all over Instagram (you’re welcome). ‘Tis the season for rebirth and renewal.

All of which brings me to Renew Yourself: A Six-Step Plan for More Meaningful Work by Catherine Hakala-Ausperk. The author calls this slim book a “project” –  one that will “put you more firmly, confidently, and intentionally in charge of your own future” (p. 2).

 Although I think it’s aimed more at mid-career professionals hoping to renew their work lives, Hakala-Ausperk’s plan could also apply to those considering a career change or students finding their way. The book guides you through the process of figuring out your career who? what? why? when? where? and how? It’s broken up into six short chapters – each corresponding to one of those questions – with guidance, tips, and stories. There are also questions to consider and some worksheets to fill out as you consider your path forward.

Right now, during this crazy-busy season in my life, this line struck me: “it’s not the standing still but the constant growth that helps us continually develop and our lives continually unfold” (p. 26). Yes! The craziness has a purpose! But seriously, yes, for by trying new things and learning new things we develop new skills. And those skills lead to new opportunities, new contacts, and new experiences, which, of course help us develop more new skills. It’s an upward spiral that can even lead to new jobs or career directions.

If you’d like some guided, career self-reflection in your life, Renew Yourself is available from ALA, but you should, of course, check your local library first!This adorable lamb is a bonus. You’re welcome.


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