Welcome to the NEW SLIS Career Blog

Career Blog Jill-Klees

Welcome to the NEW SLIS Career Blog – A Career Resource for Q&A. This blog is a place where I will post different types of career-related information, tips, and trendy topics. I come across a lot of interesting information through regular research and reading that I do in the field, and now I have one central place to share it with you. Some of the information will be specific to the LIS field and some of it will be about the career process in general, so be sure to check this site often. I feel confident that you will each find some nugget of information that you will find useful.

This blog is also a place where you, the SLIS student, can ask me career-related questions and I can respond back in one central place. Chances are good that if one student is asking a question, dozens more are thinking of the same question. Some of you may even have additional information to share about a particular topic, and I welcome your comments.

Please post your questions and comments and I will get back to you. I look forward to hearing from you.


Jill Klees, SJSU Career Center Liaison to iSchool


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