Career Coaching Office Hour
It is that time of the semester when your career and job search
questions start rolling in. Join me, Jill Klees, the iSchool
Student and Alumni Career Consultant, for a career coaching
office hour. I’ll share job search questions from students like,
“Is it OK if my resume is 3 pages?”, “How soon is too soon to
follow-up on a job I applied for?”, “Do people still use an
objective statement?”, “What does it mean when I’m applying for
jobs but I am not hearing anything back?” Bring your own
questions too. No career question is off-limits. This will be an
informal session with lots of tips and resources.
Participant Link:
This session will be recorded.
Contact Jill Klees at with questions.
Individuals requiring real-time captioning or other
accommodations should contact Dr. Sue Alman at as soon as possible.
Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)