Meet and Greet at the 2019 Ontario Library Association Super Conference
Thursday, 12:00PM Eastern Standard Time
Location: InterContinental Toronto Centre | Azure
Restaurant & Bar (Private Dining Rooms: Sapphire/Turquoise) | 225
Front Street West | Toronto, ON Canada
The School of Information at San José State University is hosting a “Meet and Greet Lunchtime Reception” during the OLA Super Conference. Come and meet Dr. Sandy Hirsh; and enjoy a buffet lunch on Thursday, January 31, 2019, from 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (EST) in the Azure Restaurant & Bar (Private Dining Rooms: Sapphire/Turquoise). It’s a great opportunity to hear about “What’s New!” at the iSchool.
If you will be in Toronto, ON Canada, please stop by and say “Hello” to Dr. Hirsh.