Competencies for Librarians in a Technologically Driven Global Climate
Faculty Presentation
The influx of new technologies has impacted the way individuals learn, work, communicate, and interact with each other and their world. What are the technological and global trends impacting today’s libraries? What competencies are needed of librarians to meet the needs of the diverse and technologically-engaged communities they serve (both within and outside the library setting)? This presentation answers these questions and provide a menu of professional development strategies that equip the librarian to remain effective and competent into the future, including the important role LIS schools play in this development.
Presenter: Dr. Sandra Hirsh
Date: Friday, May 17, 2019
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (Swedish Time)
Location: Swedish Library Association
Keynote, Helsingborg, Sweden