Examining Blockchain Use-Case Scenarios in RM
Faculty Presentation
Following an introduction to the types and function of blockchain technology, this session will examine the pros and cons of key blockchain attributes when applied to real estate, personnel, criminal and education record series. After a presentation of the records management fact-pattern for each type of record, the use-case will be discussed and debated by a blockchain expert and an electronic records archivist/records manager. One session during the NAGARA 2021 Spring Online Forum: Emerging/Surging Technologies: Thinking Outside The Records Management Box. https://www.nagara.org/Public/Events_List/Online-Forums/Public/Events/OnlineForums.aspx?hkey=69c29fb7-1b2a-496c-b0b6-325be469e2e2
Presenters: Dr. Patricia Franks
Date: Friday, April 30, 2021
Time: 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Location: online