Feels Like Begging: Considering the Experiences of First-Generation Professionals
Faculty Presentation
Dr. Anthony Bernier, Dr. Michele Villagran and Camille Hyatt
present a panel on:
This panel presents an assessment of current research on the
experience of first-generation library professionals and raises
new questions about how these experiences might play-out
invisibly in the workplace. The panel will discuss the obstacles
professionals have surmounted and the challenges they have
overcome that are often overlooked by the field. We will broadly
consider how libraries might better orient these professionals
for success. Special consideration will be given to three general
factors. First, the panel will share recent findings from the
profession’s largest Master of Library and Information
Science (MLIS) program (San José State University) where between
50-60% of the student body comes from first-generation
backgrounds. Second, the panel will discuss the social
relationships and cultural backgrounds of first-generation
professionals. Finally, the panel will lead open discussion
exploring steps libraries might initiate in developing new
professionals from first-generation backgrounds.
Presenters: Dr. Anthony Bernier, Dr. Michele
Villagran and Camille Hyatt
Date: Friday, June 3, 2022
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
(Pacific Time)
Location: Sacramento, CA