Using Emotional Intelligence & Happiness to Ascend to Organizational Excellence
Faculty Presentation
Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran and Lisa Martin will present their
findings on “Using Emotional Intelligence & Happiness to Ascend
to Organizational Excellence,” at the ACRL 2021 Virtual
Conference, to be held April 13-16, 2021.
Academic librarians frequently report low morale (Davis Kendrick
2017), concerns with job autonomy and satisfaction (Patillo,
Moran, and Morgan 2009), and challenges with emotional labor and
burnout (Matteson and Miller 2013). These are complex issues, so
there is value in asking whether there are librarians who have
found ways to be happy in the academic workplace. Emotional
intelligence and happiness have been studied separately in
academic librarians (emotional intelligence from Hernon,
Rossiter, Kreitz, etc.; happiness from Bell etc.) but they have
not until now been studied together. The panelists, authors of
the study, sought to answer the question “Are emotionally
intelligent librarians happier?” The question is complicated, and
further research needed, but the panelists use the study results
as a springboard to provide some initial perspectives along with
practical steps to take at the individual and organizational
level to increase emotional intelligence and happiness.
Emotional intelligence was measured in the study using the Short
Profile of Emotional
Competence (S-PEC), an instrument validated in the psychological
literature. The S-PEC measures intra- and inter-personal EI (that
is, the emotional intelligence of the individual and how that
individual relates to others) and provides an overall measure of
emotional intelligence. Happiness was measured in the study using
the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), also an instrument which
has been validated in the psychological literature. Happiness is
challenging to measure, but there are several psychologists who
have dedicated their academic careers to finding ways. The SWLS,
created by several of those experts, measures the cognitive and
emotional components of well-being and life satisfaction. The
SWLS is frequently used with other instruments measuring
emotional well-being, as it complements these well, thus the two
instruments were chosen to work together in measuring
respondents’ emotional intelligence and happiness. Qualitative
questions about emotional intelligence and happiness within the
workplace were also asked for further context.
The results of the study, and in particular the implications for
academic libraries, will be the focus of the panel discussion.
The panelists will provide data, both qualitative and
quantitative, to attendees alongside more information on the
instruments used in the study (both of which are freely
available), and then engage the audience in active discussion
about effective strategies for positive change at the individual
and organizational level. Attendees will generate these
strategies via a think-pair-share model which allows for
individual variation at the think and pair stage but also allows
for the generation of broader strategies that could be effective
across libraries regardless of type, size, and culture.
Ultimately, attendees will walk away with new knowledge, tools
and strategies to put into practice within their
Note: This session will be on-demand
(pre-recorded) and available throughout the conference and up to
30-days after to registrants.
Presenters: Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.