What Would You Do: Strategies for Dealing with Implicit Bias in the Workplace
Faculty Presentation
How do we, as managers, foster a healthy, inclusive work
environment so all employees can succeed? Individuals with
diverse backgrounds and uniqueness are subjected to subtle and
overt bias in the workplace due to the divisive climate in which
we live. Many of us have been a part of the process and on either
end of the bias whether we know it or not. There isn’t a quick
manual on how to identify and effectively address bias within the
information profession nor in the workplace. This three part
online learning series will help managers and staff identify
different types of bias challenges. Attendees will develop
strategies and solutions to foster an inclusive work environment
through highly interactive real world scenarios in considering:
what would you do?
Session 1: Take an in depth look at bias, implicit bias and
microaggression, followed by discussion and Q&A with
attendees. (Presenter Michele Villagran)
Presenter: Dr. Michele Villagran
Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Location: https://www.sla.org/learn-2/webinars/