Course Reserves (online)


The King Library provides students and faculty online reserve readings. The digitized collection is designed to serve the needs of distance education students through increasing accessibility to course material (students enjoy 24-hour access) and saving money on photocopy costs or course reading packet charges.

We use the King Library’s course reserves service. Note: This service covers only materials owned by the library (either physically or through electronic access including interlibrary loan).

Fair use

We restrict digital library access to students who are officially registered. We ask that faculty use materials owned by the library. This way, we can be sure that permissions have been appropriately addressed. Faculty should not copy and post whole books. However, a faculty member may post any material for which they hold the copyright such as forms, writings, assignments, etc. You should put a copyright notice on these materials and post them within your Canvas course site.

Capturing web sites is another matter. If an item is freely available, you might just provide a link without a capture. You can always ask permission. Make a site by site decision according to your interpretation of the copyright laws.

If you post student projects as examples, always ask their permission and attribute the work to them with thanks.

The electronic copying and scanning of copyright-protected works for online electronic reserves are unsettled areas of the law that may be addressed by the Supreme Court or in further revision of the copyright law.
