2012-2013 Scholarship Winners Announced

iStudent Blog

In case you missed the announcement last week, the SLIS Student Scholarship and Awards Committee released the names of the 2012-2013 recipients of graduating student awards and scholarships for continuing SLIS students.

I was delighted to see the names of several scholarship recipients and award-winning graduating students who I recently interviewed for our website’s Community Profile pages (click on the names below with links to read more about each person.) Congratulations are in order for the following continuing SLIS students who received scholarships:

Jonna Paden – Alumni & Friends Scholarship

Charlotte King – Blanche Woolls Spectrum Scholarship

Ian Matzen – Connie Constantino Scholarship

Charmetria Marshall – Faculty Scholarship

Lauren Reid – H.W. Wilson Scholarship

Angela Medina – Kaiser Permanente Medical Scholarship

Selena Chau – NewsBank Scholarship

Robert LeMoine – Terry Crowley Scholarship

And congratulations to the following individuals who received graduating student awards:

Hadas Livnat – Edna B. Anthony Award

Shelli Owens – Ken Haycock Award (also a 2013 Convocation speaker)

Meredith Steiner – Stella Bunch Hills Award

Patricia D’Cruz – Shirley Hopkinson Award

Elizabeth Goode – Leslie Janke

Anthony Andora Jean Wichers Award

Evan Carlson – Outstanding Thesis Award

Reading Community Profiles about these outstanding students provides a great introduction to various volunteer opportunities, conferences, and activities that many students take advantage of while working through their degree to enhance and supplement coursework. They may inspire you to consider how you can take advantage of similar opportunities as a student in our information school.

I’ll be adding more Community Profile stories in the coming weeks about other 2013 scholarship recipients, so be sure to keep an eye out on the SLIS website home page. Or check out all the Community Profile stories about SLIS scholarship recipients already published on our website.

Don’t forget that scholarships are just one way that SLIS students fund their degree. I recently published a blog post about other opportunities, including student assistantships and financial aid.


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