All New Students Receive Free Memberships to ALA

iStudent Blog

Did you know the San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science (SJSU SLIS) gives all SLIS students in LIBR 200 complimentary one-year student memberships in the American Library Association (ALA)? The membership will help you stay current with the latest happenings in the profession and provide opportunities for networking and further learning.

The 2012 ALA Annual Conference is just around the corner. If you haven’t registered yet, you may want to consider attending. (Check out the ALA Conference website for registration details.)

In addition to all the educational sessions at ALA Annual, SJSU SLIS will be exhibiting and hosting a networking reception. The exhibit hall can get overwhelming, but look for our booth, and swing by for a quick visit. You’ll also have a chance to experience our online learning environment first-hand by talking to a current student in real time using our online learning platform. The current student will show you how to get your assignments and participate in the discussion groups. The quick introduction will get you ready for classes starting this Fall.

You’ll also want to schedule some time to attend our networking reception. No RSVP is necessary, and the reception is free to attend. You’ll have the opportunity to meet our director and faculty members, and network with SLIS alumni and current students. Here are the reception details:

American Library Association 2012 Conference
SJSU SLIS Reception
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Hyatt Regency Orange County
Swimming Pool/Patio Area
119999 Harbor Blvd. (Harbor & Chapman)
4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Free shuttle: Use the free shuttle from the convention center

Check our Facebook page for all upcoming events.


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