Irish Heritage Month
Published: March 23, 2024 by Nicole Azof
Please join the SJSU iSchool as we celebrate Irish Heritage Month, the time where we observe both the hardships and achievements Irish immigrants faced since arriving in America in pursuit of better livelihoods.
These celebrations first started on March 17, 1762, the first St. Patrick’s Day parade, when Irish-ex patriots and military members who served in the British Army were participating in. Irish immigrants were free to speak Irish, as well as sing, dance and play along to Irish songs, fully embracing Irish culture. These parades were usually arranged by military units, however Irish fraternal and beneficial societies took over the organizational duties of the parade (Source: Library of Congress) becoming heavily involved in the celebration of their Irish heritage. In 1991, George W. H. Bush officially established March as Irish Heritage Month, celebrating the perseverance and contributions of Irish-Americans.
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