Spring Enrollment Begins Soon – Here’s What to Do Now!

iStudent Blog Julia-Chambers

Pumpkins are lining our doorways, and leaves are covering the sidewalks. Know what that means? It’s time to think about Spring!

Spring enrollment is just around the corner, so now’s the time to prepare. Be sure to read Linda Main’s most recent post on the SLIS21 blog about registering for Spring 2013 classes, including when you can start enrolling. Until then, it’s a good idea to browse the Spring schedule to see what choices await.

How to decide what to pick? As a newly admitted student, you’ll need to start out by taking core courses. Still, there are decisions to be made since there are many options even within the core course selections and you can start the program with any of the three core courses (LIBR 200, LIBR 202, and LIBR 204).

One way to begin is to look at the Course Descriptions for a general overview of the course. Then, try to locate a Greensheet, or Syllabi, from previous semesters. Since the core courses don’t change substantially from the previous semester, you will get a good idea of what topics are covered and what the assignments look like. Note: While the content is the same from course to course, different professors may teach in slightly different ways. For instance, some hold live Collaborate lectures, while others have their entire course available asynchronously, so it’s good to compare Greensheets when possible. Finally, read up on SLIS professors by visiting the website’s faculty pages.  And don’t forget that you can always discuss options with your academic advisor.

As a newly admitted student, you’ll be required to take at least one or two core courses before branching out into electives. Still, it’s fun to look ahead. Be sure to review the Career Pathways pages, which offer elective course suggestions. And looking ahead, check out the wealth of electives that are available to SLIS students who have completed their core coursework. New to Spring 2013, for instance, are some intensive online course formats, and SLIS will continue to offer beginner and advanced language classes in Spanish, French, and Chinese.

I’ve found that it behooves you to sign up for classes as soon as you’re allowed to ensure that the classes don’t fill before you get your name on the list. If there’s a professor whose background and/or expertise really excites you, you’ll want to be one of the first to secure a spot.

Got questions? Post a comment and I’ll try to answer as best I can.


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