Ukraine and Libraries
iSchool Presents Online EDI Symposium June 15
Published: June 13, 2022 by Eori Tokunaga
The San José State University iSchool continually seeks to share stories from our diverse communities and honor their legacies through our ongoing calendar events.
Earlier this year, the SJSU Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) released a statement of solidarity to “members of our Spartan community who have family, friends, colleagues, or roots in Ukraine and the region,” as well as to folks who felt uneasy about the ongoing violence. Here is the full statement by Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Kathleen Wong (Lau): Conflict in Ukraine
SJSU iSchool EDI Symposium
On Wednesday, June 15, please join the iSchool’s free symposium, hosted from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Pacific Time: “Ukrainian Libraries in the Ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War.” The symposium will open with a warm welcome by iSchool Director Anthony Chow and iSchool Assistant Professor Ulia Gosart, followed with an address by Oksana Boiarynova, president of the Ukraine Library Association.
Register to Attend:
Dr. Ulia Gosart is an assistant
professor with the SJSU School of Information. Her research
focuses on Indigenous communities, Indigenous rights, and
Indigenous librarianship. Much of her professional work has been
shaped and informed by her personal experiences growing up with
an Indigenous family background in the Soviet Union. Dr. Gosart
has played a key role in inviting various library directors from
communities such as Kharkiv and Chernigiv to speak at the online
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