Eight iSchool alumni and students work at NASA Ames Research Center in Summer 2009


iSchool alumni and students work at NASA Ames Research Center in Summer 2009Eight San José State University School of Information alumni and students are working at NASA Ames Research Center near Mountain View, California, this summer. From left to right are Lisa Sewell, April Gage, Jillian Slater, Sarah Bates, Jessica Pryde, Beverly McLeod, Mary Ellen Petrich, and Sjuli Senn van Basel Wagemans.

Gage, the Ames archivist, is being assisted by Slater this summer. Bates is a Data Archive Project intern for the ALSDA (Animal Life Science Data Archive). Petrich is working on a retrospective cataloging project at the Ames Life Sciences Library. Sewell, Pryde, and van Basel Wagemans are staffing the temporary library of the International Space University’s Space Studies Program hosted at NASA Ames this summer, under the supervision of McLeod, the Ames library manager.