SJSU School of Information Recognized as an Elluminate Center of Excellence
San José State University School of Information was one of eleven institutions to receive the “2008 Elluminate Centers of Excellence” recognition. Best in Class. Marketwire followed up with an article on March 11, 2008: “Elluminate Announces 2008 Center of Excellence Winners for Achievement in Live eLearning“.
Read what “Elluminate Hero” Debbie Faires, iSchool assistant director for distance learning, says on the SJSU iSchool Overview page.
Debbie Faires will be doing a presentation about the iSchool’s use of Elluminate in the “Elluminate – From Cutting Edge to Future Roadmap” session at the CATS (California Academic Technology Staff) Conference held at Sonoma University on March 26-28, 2008.