SLIS Student Research Journal Publishes Volume 3, Issue 1


Three articles written by graduate students in the Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) program at the San José State University School of Library and Information Science (SJSU SLIS) are featured in the latest issue of the information school’s Student Research Journal (SRJ), published in May 2013.

The first article in Volume 3, Issue 1 of the SRJ explores how cartoons have helped define public perception and understanding of “librarians, library funding, and the digitization of information,” as well as the history of libraries in the U.S. Another article offers advice for librarians “embedded” in online programs regarding the Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act) and its implications for their practice.

The third article surveys the variety of methods being used to determine the value of a public library, including both its tangible and intangible benefits. Editor-in-Chief Elyse Meyers, also a SJSU SLIS graduate student, introduces the articles with an essay on the issue’s theme of “definition.”

This is the fifth issue of the journal, which was launched in 2010. Each issue is developed by current SJSU SLIS graduate students selected by a competitive process to serve one-year terms on the editorial team. Working with SJSU SLIS faculty advisor and associate professor Dr. Anthony Bernier, the student editors review, select and edit manuscripts submitted by MLIS students at SJSU SLIS and students from other graduate programs worldwide.

The SRJ (pronounced surge) offers a great opportunity for graduate students to showcase their original work in a peer-reviewed publication and contribute to the body of knowledge in the information profession.

The featured articles in Volume 3, Issue 1 of the SRJ are:

The articles are freely available in PDF format at

Call for Submissions

The SRJ invites original research or critical review essay manuscripts from graduate students at any university on topics in the fields of information science theory, policy, application, or practice. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. See call for submissions.

About the Student Research Journal

The SRJ promotes graduate scholarship and intellectual inquiry in library and information science, archives and records management, and museum studies by publishing two issues annually. It is San José State University’s first student-governed research journal. For more information about the SRJ, visit