Research and Innovation Updates


Dr. Norman Mooradian Publishes New Article on Knowledge Management and AI


Dr. Mooradian’s new article, titled “Is Knowledge Management (Finally) Extractive? – Fuller’s Argument Revisited in the Age of AI”, was published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management. It is a conceptual article dealing with the history of knowledge management and AI automation.

Dr. Ulia Gosart Co-edits Special Issue of Library Trends


Dr. Gosart is the co-editor of a a special issue of Library Trends on Indigenous librarianship.  This special issue seeks to update the LIS field on what is happening across Native library/information spaces and education.  

Dr. Michele Villagran Delivers Presentations about Student Empowerment and BIPOC Librarianship


Dr. Villagran, together with students Kara Price and Laura Dowell will present at the Library Marketing and Communications Conference 2024 in November. There presentation title is “IDEA in Action: Your Voices Best Practices – Empowering Students, Building Bridges“.

Dr. Villagran will deliver another presentation about BIPOC librarianship:

  • Hillery, L., Roy, M., Villagran, M. A. L., & Wittkower, L. (2025 April). Approaches to Demystifying Librarianship to BIPOC Undergraduates Through Mentorship and Internships 

This is a panel presentation accepted for Association of College & Research Libraries Conference, and the presentation will focus on the BIPOC Become Librarians grant.

Dr. Michele Villagran Receives Exceptional Levels of Service Award 


Dr. Villagran received the Exceptional Levels of Service Award for AY24-25. Her service contribution, “Students: Amplifying Your Voices” (SAYV) is phase 2 of “Your Voices,” which occurred in AY22-23. The “Your Voices” Best Practices guide was a direct result of that project. This guide serves as the foundation for the next iteration of this project, ”Students: Amplifying Your Voices.” 

For the 2024-2025 academic year, “Students: Amplifying Your Voices” (SAYV) seeks to create more student-dedicated spaces to build communities for underrepresented and intersectional identities to form connections, support peer and professional development, and share resources that meet student needs and support. 

Dr. Sandy Hirsh Receives Allen Smith Visiting Scholarship from Simmons University


Dr. Hirsh is the recipient of the AY 24/25 Allen Smith Visiting Scholarship from Simmons University School of Library and Information Science. Dr. Hirsh will offer two public, live-streamed events during her residency:

Keynote Address: Future-Ready Libraries: A Glimpse into 2035
Monday October 7th at 5pm ET
Registration link: 

Moderated panel session: The Future of Libraries: A Panel of Perspectives
Thursday, October 10th at 5pm ET.
Registration link:

Dr. Souvick Publishes New Article 


Dr. Ghosh recently published a new article focusing on artificial intelligence in archives:

This article reports on discussions from a three-day webinar about artificial intelligence (AI) in archival appraisal and selection.

Dr. José Aguiñaga Publishes New Article


Dr. Aguiñaga recently published a co-authored peer-reviewed article in Public Library Quarterly, and the article was titled ”iLead with an EDI lens“. This conceptual paper introduces the joint San José State University, School of Information and Simmons University, School of Library and Information Science, IMLS grant planning project: iLead: Preparing Tomorrow’s Library Leaders. During 2023–24, the grant team project members are designing an asynchronous online program where library employees may earn micro-credentials. The online program focuses on developing leadership skills with an equity, diversity, and inclusion lens. Contributions from national, state, and local library partners during the development of this curriculum will assist in applying for a future IMLS implementation grant. 

Dr. Lili Luo Presents at International Conference


Dr. Luo recently delivered a presentation about her sabbatical research at an international conference:

  • Luo, L., Zhang, X., Zhang, G., Qiu, F., & Wang, Z. (2024). “Household Reading Site: Improving Children’s Reading Interest and Access in Rural China”. Presented at the 2024 Asian Conference for Education and International Development. Tokyo, Japan, March, 2024.

iSchool Faculty Receive Mozilla’s Responsible Computing Challenge Award


Drs. Darra Hofman, Michele Villagran, and Souvick Ghosh were awarded the Responsible Computing Challenge Award from Mozilla. Their project is titled “CIRCLE: Cross-campus Interdisciplinary Responsible Computing Learning Experiences”. They will create an interdisciplinary working group to develop “responsible datasets in context” and revised courses in humanistic critical computing and data studies.

Dr. Sandy Hirsh Publishes New Book


Dr. Hirsh’s new book, Library 2035: Imagining the Next Generation of Libraries, is now available from Rowman & Littlefield. Library 2035 explores the lessons learned over the past decade and forecasts the opportunities, strengths, and challenges for libraries in the future. Contributors including R. David Lankes, Kelvin Watson, Annie Norman, Miguel Figueroa, and Nicole Cooke, along with 25 other library leaders.

Dr. Michele Villagran Publishes New Article


Dr. Villagran is the lead author of a recent publication that examined the curriculum related to social services, law, and crisis management in LIS programs.