Career e-Portfolio Examples and Platform Suggestions


You may want to explore these sample student e-portfolios created using SJSU’s Portfolium platform.

Next, this iSchool example, developed in Wordpress and based on a student’s INFO 289 e-portfolio, will help you understand how a sample career e-portfolio might be organized.

However, these are only two options. To create your own career e-portfolio, you may want to use blog software, design your own website, or take advantage of the many options for free career e-portfolio software or platforms on the internet. Choose one you like and can work with, or use the Wordpress example provided above as a model. Do make sure that whatever platform you use, you create a concise, clean, employment-focused e-portfolio. Your focus: what evidence of competencies and skills will convince potential employers that you’re just the person they’re looking for for a particular job.