Course Structure #6
6 Instructional materials are easily accessed by students with disabilities via alternative instructional strategies and/or referral to special institutional resources.
Deficient Developing Accomplished Exemplary
The School of Information is committed to accessibility. See the School’s Accessibility Policy.
The School requires all faculty members to provide a text equivalent of lecture content and provides transcription services as needed. Synchronous captioning is provided as needed in web conference sessions.
All course materials are in digital format which allows users to access technology assistance for particular needs (e.g., display with larger font size, individual selection of color/contrast, audible reading of text). Standard file formats are used for course materials and all students are required to have the appropriate software.
Information about the University’s Accessible Education Center (AEC), including a link to the AEC web site, is included on each syllabus. Students may register and receive the accommodations they need in their classes. In addition, the University’s Center for Accessible Technology provides support to students with specific needs.
The University’s Learning Management System, Canvas, is fully accessible. See Canvas accessibility details.
Faculty members use the library’s online course reserves service for class readings. The library ensures that PDF files are properly prepared to support automated audible reading.
Textbook selections are posted well in advance of the semester start to allow time for any needed conversions to alternate formats.
All iSchool-produced videos (e.g. guest speakers and webcasts) are captioned to ensure accessibility.