Required Courses Prior to 2015 — MARA
This set of required courses is for students entering the MARA degree program from fall 2012 to fall 2015. Before commencing the program all incoming students are required to take an online workshop in online social networking.
Required Courses
- MARA 200 The Record and the Recordkeeping Professions
- MARA 204 Management of Records and Archival Institutions
- MARA 210 Records Creation, Appraisal and Retention
- MARA 211 Records Access, Storage and Retrieval
- MARA 249 Electronic Recordkeeping Systems and Issues in Electronic Recordkeeping
- MARA 284 Seminar in Archives and Records Management*
- MARA 285 Research Methods in Records Management and Archival Science
- MARA 289 Advanced Topics in Archives and Records Administration (ePortfolio)
- MARA 293 Professional Projects
- MARA 294 Professional Experience: Internships
- MARA 295 Organizational Consulting Project**
*MARA 284 will be taken twice, with different content.
**MARA students will take MARA 293 and MARA 294, unless they
petition the MARA coordinator and receive permission to
substitute MARA 295 (to be taken fall and spring) instead.