Information Science Summit 2022

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Dr. Chow standing with outgoing ASIS&T President Naresh Argawal, ALISE President Rong Tong, and iSchool Organization President Sanda Erdelez.Dr. Chow standing with incoming ASIS&T President Abebe Rorissa.Dr. Chow standing with iSchool BSISDA faculty member and JPL/NASA information scientist JonLuc Christensen and Camille Mathieu of Lawrence Livermore Labs.iSchool faculty member JonLuc Christensen delivering his keynote address at the Information Science Summit. On the right of the photo is a projected slide. On the top of the slide is the text "What skills are we looking for today and the future?". Below that it says "Educators (and students), this is where you come in...". Below that are colored text bubbles with words and phrases related to the presentation.