iSchool Distinguished Scholar Award Form


General Faculty Eligibility

To be eligible for any of the six faculty awards, an individual must:

  • Be a Unit 3 faculty member (must be full time tenure or tenure track faculty member for Outstanding Professor); and
  • Not be retired (although retirement during the academic year does not forfeit eligibility for that year)

A. Purpose of the Award

To recognize a faculty member (full or part time) who has achieved widespread recognition based on the quality of scholarship, performances, or creative activities.

B. Criteria

In evaluating candidates for this award, consideration should be given to the nominee’s history of scholarship and creative activities, recognition of outstanding achievements by peers, and importance of the work to the discipline and beyond.

Nomination Form

The person you are nominating for Distinguished Scholar Award.

Briefly state your reasons for this nomination, including a description of the nominee’s accomplishments that relate to the award criteria. Do not exceed 500 words.

Your name.