2019 -2020 Archives
Dr. Michele Villagran Publishes New Research on Cultural Competence and Cultural Intelligence
Dr. Villagran’s recent work, titled “Cultural Competence in LIS Education: Case Study of United States Ranked Schools“, was published in Multicultural Education Review. In this study, she and her co-author investigated the level of integrating cultural competence in library and information science education (LIS) of United States ranked schools through examining course offerings, student learning outcome, mandated readings and prescribed literature.
Dr. Villagran’s other recent publication, titled “Phenomena of Cultural Intelligence in Pennsylvania Libraries: A Research Study“, appeared in Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice. This article describes a mixed methods research study of current Pennsylvania librarians to understand the phenomena of cultural intelligence within Pennsylvania libraries.
Dr. Michele Villagran Contributes to Harvard Publication “ReVista”
Dr. Villagran recently co-authored an article titled ”Law Librarians Working The Legal Lens: Monitoring the Legal Response to COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean” based on her own work in a project that involves the daily monitoring of the executive, legislative, and regulatory responses to COVID-19 in Latin America. This article was published in ReVista (Harvard Review of Latin America). Here’s the English Version and Spanish Version of the article.
Dr. Michele Villagran Participates in Award-Winning Project
Dr. Villagran is a member of a team of seven law librarians that has received the American Association of Law Libraries Foreign, Comparative, and International Law Special Interest Sections’ (AALL FCIL-SIS) Interest Group/Committee Project of the Year Award for their ”Legal Responses to the COVID-19 Emergency in Latin America and the Caribbean” project. This is a project that involves the daily monitoring of the executive, legislative, and regulatory responses to COVID-19 in Latin America. The team members are each responsible for specific countries, and Dr. Villagran covers Argentina, Uruguay and Chile.
Dr. Michael Stephens’ Blog Post Featured on ALA’s Facebook Page
Dr. Stephens recently contributed a thoughtful post to iSchool’s CIRI Blog about wholehearted librarianship during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. His post attracted the attention of the American Library Association and was featured on their Facebook page.
Dr. David Loertscher Featured on Podcast
Dr. Loertscher was interviewed on the most recent episode of the Virtual Coffee Shop podcast. Along with another guest Anita Brooks Kirkland, Dr. Loertscher had a conversation with the podcast host Mark W. Carbone, exploring the Virtual Library, collaboration and some design ideas.
Dr. Michael Stephens’ Book Receives Raving Review from Booklist
Dr. Stephens’s book, “Wholehearted Librarianship: Finding Hope, Inspiration, and Balance“, received a raving review from Booklist. The review stated that ”Author Stephens is a rare treasure. This second collection of his columns, blog posts, and essays (after The Heart of Librarianship, 2016) will lighten the soul and enliven the step of even the most tired, underpaid, discouraged librarian.”
Dr. Deborah Hicks Presents about Visual Research Methods
Recently Dr. Hicks presented as a panelist at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference. Her panel presentation was about visual research methods.
- Bedi, S., Hartel, J., Hicks, D., Misquith, C., Noone, R., Whyte, J., & Webb, J. (2020, February). Images and imagination: A primer on visual research methods. Panel presented at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada
Dr. Anthony Bernier Publishes Recent Work on Youth and Children’s Librarianship
Dr. Bernier’s recent scholarship on youth and children’s librarianship includes a peer-reviewed journal article and a peer reviewed scholarly book review, as shown below.
- Bernier. A. (April 2019). Isn’t it time for youth services instruction to grow up? Superstition or scholarship. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 60, no. 2., pages 118-138.
- Bernier, A. (2020). Review of Hepler, A. McCarthyism in the Suburbs: Quakers, Communists, and the Children’s Librarian. Lexington Books, 2018. In Libraries: Culture, History, and Society 4, no. 1.
Dr. Bernier also serves as the Chair for the 2019-2020 Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE).
Dr. Michele Villagran Presents Recent Research on Cultural Intelligence
Dr. Villagran is an active leading researcher on the topic of cultural intelligence and librarianship. In recent months, she has conducted numerous keynotes and presentations at various library conferences, as shown below.
- Pennsylvania Library Association annual conference, College & Research Division, Erie, PA, October 15, 2019, Keynote, Academic Libraries: How Cultural Intelligence Makes a Difference?
- Minnesota Library Association annual conference, Prior Lake, MN, September 19, 2019, Keynote, How to Turn Conflict and Our Work with Diverse Communities into Success
- Association for Library and Information Science Education Leadership Academy, January 30, 2020, Presenter, Crafting a Vision Statement
- REFORMA Los Angeles chapter, online webinar, November 13, 2019, Presenter, Cultural Intelligence: Increasing Your Cultural Quotient
- California Library Association annual conference, Pasadena, CA, October 25, 2019, Presenter, How to Network and Work a Room: Tips for learning how and what is meant by networking
- Minnesota Library Association annual conference, Prior Lake, MN, September 19, 2019, Presenter, Our Window: Being Culturally Intelligence in Diverse Situations
- American Association of Law Libraries annual conference, Washington, DC, July 14, 2019, Panelist, The Search Committee: An Effective Approach to Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in Library Recruiting
- The Seventeenth International Conference on Books, Publishing & Libraries. Granada, Spain, July 5, 2019, Presenter, Cultivating Cultural Competence through Reading and Literature
Director of Online Learning Debbie Faires Presents Research on Data Equity
In December 2019, iSchool’s Director of Online Learning Debbie Faires co-delivered a presentation for the Civic Switchboard Community of Practice. The topic of the presentation by Faires and her co-presenter Will Sanders, was about data equity.
Dr. Hirsh and Dr. Alman Interviewed by ALA Store
Dr. Sandy Hirsh and Dr. Sue Alman’s book titled “Blockchain (Library Futures Series, Book 3)” lays out blockchain’s challenges and opportunities. There were interviewed by ALA Store to talk about how they originally got interested in the technology and where they see it leading next.
Dr. Hirsh Presents Recent Research on Leadership, Open Government Data, and LIS Education
Dr. Hirsh’s recent research focuses on transnational LIS education, open government data, and leadership. She has presented her research at the following conferences and meetings:
- Weech, T., Chu, C., Hirsh, S., Julien, H., Keenan, M., Velasquez, D.L., & Narayan, B. (2019). Information Science Education and Library and Information Studies Education: Transnational Conversations. Proceedings of the 82nd Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting.
- Tang, R., Gregg, W., Hirsh, S., & Hall, E. (2019). U.S. State and State Capital Open Government Data (OGD): A Content Examination and Heuristic Evaluation of Data Processing Capabilities of OGD Sites. Proceedings of the 82nd Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting.
- Workload Management and Priorities: Putting It All Together. (2020, January). Paper presented at the 2020 ALISE Leadership Academy, Palm Desert, CA.
- My Leadership Journey. (2019, December). Paper presented at the 2019 California Leadership Development Program, Santa Clara, CA.
Dr. Hirsh and Dr. Harlan’s Books Receiving Strong Reviews
Dr. Sandy Hirsh’s book, “Information Services Today: An Introduction. 2nd ed.”, and Dr. Mary Ann Harlan’s book, “The Girl-Positive Library: Inspiring Confidence, Creativity, and Curiosity in Young Women“, received strong and positive reviews in Library Quarterly, volume 90, issue 1.
The review for Dr. Hirsh’s book stated that “The book has a clearly professional focus on the ways in which the content is presented, and it is highly readable and accessible as an introductory text”, and the review for Dr. Harlan’s book praised it to be “an excellent resource for any school or public librarian who is looking for knowledgeable book reviews, new girl-positive programs, or a feminist look at the concept of modern girlhood.”
Dr. Kristen Rebmann’s Grant Mentioned in IMLS Statement on the President’s FY 2021 Budget Proposal
IMLS recently issued its Statement on the President’s FY 2021 Budget Proposal. In this statement, Dr. Rebmann’s grant project on how the advanced low-cost TV White Space technology could help communities prepare for disasters was mentioned as an example to demonstrate the value of IMLS grant funding.
Dr. Michael Stephens’ Book Selected as Book of the Week by Against the Grain
Dr. Stephens’s book, “Wholehearted Librarianship: Finding Hope, Inspiration, and Balance“, was selected as Book of the Week by Against the Grain (ATG). ATG recommends this book to everybody in the library profession, stating that “Whether you’ve just landed your first job or a longtime professional, Stephens’ perspective will reenergize your commitment to librarianship and the important work that libraries are doing every day.”
Dr. Deborah Hicks Selected to Participate in the SJSU University Grants Academy
Dr. Hicks was recently selected to participate in the SJSU University Grants Academy. The University Grants Academy (UGA) supports a selective group of faculty members from across the campus through the process of writing a substantial external grant proposal to fund their research, scholarship and/or creative activity (RSCA).
Dr. Michael Stephens’ Book Listed on the American Libraries Holiday Gift Guide for Librarians and Book Lovers
Dr. Stephens’ recent book, “Wholehearted Librarianship: Finding Hope, Inspiration, and Balance” is included in the 2019 Holiday Gift Guide for Librarians and Book Lovers by American Libraries.
Dr. Michael Stephens Featured on New Episode of ”Circulating Ideas”
Dr. Stephens was the guest on the most recent episode of “Circulating Ideas“, the librarian interview podcast. He talked about empathy in librarianship, the importance of self-care, learning from libraries around the world, and what we can learn from dogs about life. Listen to this episode here.
Dr. David Loertscher Produces Impactful Workshops and Publication on School Librarianship
Dr. Loertscher conducted a workshop titled “The Library Learning Commons at the Center of Teaching and Learning in the School” at the International Association of school Libraries in Croatia. It was well received with 75 people in attendance.
Recently, Dr. Loertscher and former iSchool Director Dr. Blanche Woolls conducted the Symposium of the Greats in connection with the national the American Association of School Librarians in Louisville KY. With 125 people in attendance, the symposium was a great success. The proceedings edited by Dr. Loertscher and Dr. Woolls was made available to the attendants (download the proceedings). It includes two chapters authored by Dr. Loertscher himself as well as an annotated bibliography on the Futurism of school libraries compiled by students from his class.
Dr. Loertscher’s recent research also appeared in Teacher Librarian, titled “Coteaching Revisited: The Replication Study” (download the article). This article examines whether a school library and a credentialed school librarian make a difference to teaching and learning in the school.
iSchool Faculty Recognized at 2019 SJSU Annual Author & Artist Awards
The following iSchool faculty members were recognized at the 2019 SJSU Annual Author & Artist Awards event for their publications.
- Dr. Gerald Benoit, Author, “Introduction to Information Visualization: Transforming Data into Meaningful Information”
- Dr. Patricia C. Franks, Editor, “The Encyclopedia of Archival Writers, 1515-2015″
- Dr. Sandra Hirsh and Dr. Sue Alman, Editors, “Blockchain (Library Futures Series, Book 3)”
- Dr. Michael Stephens, Author, “Wholehearted Librarianship: Finding Hope, Inspiration, and Balance”
- Debbie Faires, Co-author, “International Development of Social Work Education: The Vietnam Experience”
iSchool Director Dr. Sandy Hirsh and Director of Online Learning Debbie Faires attended the event on behalf of the iSchool authors.
Dr. Michelle Chen Publishes Article on Librarians’ Information Visualization Skills
Dr. Chen’s most recent publication explores information visualization skills for academic librarians:
- Chen, H. (2019), ”Information visualization skills for academic librarians“, Library Hi Tech, 37(3), 591-603.
Dr. Michael Stephens’ New Publication Discusses Professional Development for Library Staff
Co-authored with two iSchool students, Dr. Stephens’ recent article, titled “Technology, Collaboration, and Learning: Perceptions and Effectiveness of US Public Library Staff Professional Development“, was published in Library Leadership and Management. This study investigated the preferences and perceptions of professional development (PD) activities for public library staff.
Dr. Tonia San Nicolas-Rocca Publishes New Research on Cloud-based Technologies and Information Security
Dr. San Nicolas-Rocca’s recent journal publications continue to center on her research about information security and health informatics.
- Benjamin Schooley, Tonia San Nicolas-Rocca & Richard Burkhard (2019) Cloud-based multi-media systems for patient education and adherence: A pilot study to explore patient compliance with colonoscopy procedure preparation. Health Systems.
- San Nicolas-Rocca, T., & Burkhard, R. J. (2019). Information Security in Libraries. Information Technology and Libraries, 38 (2), 58-71.
Dr. Virginia Tucker Publishes New Research on Learning and Knowledge Management
Dr. Tucker’s recent research discussed how information professionals learn:
- Tucker, V.M. (2019). Ways of learning of information professionals: Concepts, roles, and strategies. Advances in Librarianship, 46, 51-65.
Her upcoming publication will appear in IFLA Jounral, focusing on taxonomy design in knowledge management.
- Tucker, V.M. (September 2019). Taxonomy design methodologies: Emergent research for knowledge management domains. IFLA Journal, special issue on Knowledge Management.
Director of Online Learning Debbie Faires Co-authors New Book
iSchool’s Director of Online Learning Debbie Faires is a co-author of the recently published book:
- Cohen, E., Hines, A., Drabble, L., Nguyen, H., Han, M., Sen, S., & Faires, D. (2019). The international development of social work education: The Vietnam experience. New York: Routledge.
She worked with members of the SJSU School of Social Work on the project discussed in this book. This book provides an analysis of international practice methods which can be used by developing countries to develop their own professional and educational infrastructures.
Dr. Anthony Bernier Publishes on Young Adult Services and Library History
Dr. Bernier’s recent publications continue to focus on his area of expertise – young adult services and library history.
- Bernier, A., (Ed.). (2020). Transforming Young Adult Services, Second Edition. ALA Editions.
- Bernier, A. (2019). Review of A. Crawford, (Ed.). The meaning of the library: A cultural history. Princeton University Press, 2015. In Libraries: Culture, History, and Society 3, no. 1, 117-119.
- Bernier, A. (2018). A portable library history. In Haycock, K., and Romaniuk, M.. (Eds.). The portable MLIS: Insights from the experts, Second Edition. Santa Barbara, California: Libraries Unlimited, pages 11-27.
- Bernier, A. (2018). Review of A. Black. Libraries of light: British public library design in the long 1960s. Routledge, 2017. In Libraries: Culture, History, and Society 2, no. 1, 97-100.
Dr. Bernier was also elected as the Chair of American Library Association (ALA)’s Library History Round Table (2019-2021).
Dr. Deborah Hicks Presents Research on Information Behavior and Professional Identity
Dr. Hicks’ recent conference presentations highlighted her research on information behavior and professional identity.
- Hicks, D. (2019, June). Understanding identity in information behaviour research: A conceptual analysis. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS) in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Hicks, D., & Schindel, T. (2019, June). The boundaries of librarians’ and pharmacists’ expertise: Defining what it is to be professional. Paper presented at the 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Association of Information Science, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Hicks, D. (2019, June). Identity in information behaviour research: A conceptual analysis. Paper presented at the 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Association of Information Science, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Dr. Mary Ann Harlan Publishes New Research on Children’s Literature and School Librarianship
Dr. Harlan’s recently published research on children’s literature and school librarianship includes two book chapters and a conference presentation.
- Harlan, M. (2019). Students or Learners? Conceptualizing Youth in School Libraries. In Transforming youth services, 2nd. Ed. A. Berneir. ALA Neal-Schuman.
- Harlan, M. (2019) Girls Constructed in Two Non-Fiction Texts: Sexual Subject? Desired Object? In The Girl in Text. Ed. Ann Smith New York: Berghahn Books
- Harlan, M. (2019) Fiction as Information: A Look at Reading as Information Source. Paper presented at the 2019 International School Library Association Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
She also wrote an essay for SJSU’s Student Research Journal, titled “Challenging Girlhood“.
Dr. Sandy Hirsh Presents at Conferences about Librarianship, LIS Education, and New Technology
Dr. Hirsh’s recent conference presentations cover a variety of topics – library and information science education, government data management, children’s librarianship, Blockchain technology, and leadership. Here is a selected of her recent conference presentations:
- Information Science Education and Library and Information Studies Education: Transnational Conversations. (2019, October). Refereed panel presented at the 82nd Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australia.
- U.S. State and State Capital Open Government Data (OGD): A Content Examination and Heuristic Evaluation of Data Processing Capabilities of OGD Sites. (2019, October). Refereed paper presented at the 82nd Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australia.
- Leadership During Organizational Restructuring of LIS Programs (2019, September). Refereed paper presented on a panel at the 2019 ALISE Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN.
- Leadership Academy: Work/Life Balance. (2019, September). Invited paper presented at the 2019 ALISE Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN.
- Emerging Technologies for Libraries: Smart Cities and Blockchain (2019, August). Panel presented at the 2019 IFLA conference, Athens, Greece.
- San José State University School of Information: School Overview and Teacher Librarian Program. (2019, August). International Symposium – “Road to the Future: School and Children’s Librarianship”, Sapporo, Japan.
- Blockchain: Transforming the Technological Future. (2019, June). Panel presented at the 2019 American Library Association Conference. Washington, DC.
- Creating the Information Professionals for the Future: A Fireside Chat. (2019, June). Keynote presented at the 2019 Special Libraries Association Conference, Cleveland, OH.
- Competencies for Librarians in a Technologically-Driven Global Climate. (2019, May). Keynote presented at the 2019 Swedish Library Association Conference, Helsingborg, Sweden.
Dr. Abbas Moallem Publishes New Book on Cybersecurity
Dr. Moallem, instructor of INFM 204 Human Centered Design, has recently published a new book titled “Cybersecurity Awareness Among Students and Faculty“. This book offers an understanding of the state of privacy awareness, includes the state of identity theft awareness, covers mobile phone protection, discusses ransomware protection and discloses a plan of action to improve security awareness. Read here for more information about this book.
Drs. Pat Franks and Michelle Chen Receive Award for Publication
Drs. Franks and Chen received a Literati Award for Highly Commended Paper for their recent publication titled “Voices in the Cloud: Social Media and Trust in Canadian and U.S. Local Governments”. The article was published in the Records Management Journal.
Dr. Michael Stephens Publishes New Book
Dr. Stephen’s new book, titled “Wholehearted Librarianship: Finding Hope, Inspiration, and Balance” and published by ALA Editions, offers a curated collection of writings that encourage curiosity and creativity in all library workers by connecting trends from outside the profession to its bedrock values. Read here for more information about this book.
Dr. Sandy Hirsh Presents at SJSU University Scholar Series
Dr. Hirsh was invited to present at the Spring 2019 SJSU University Scholar Series. Her talk focused on Blockchain applications and use cases for libraries . Dr. Hirsh headed an 18-month research investigation on this topic, and her research has been informed by technology experts representing libraries, blockchain development, and urban planning. The recording of her talk can be viewed here.
Dr. Michele Villagran Selected to Serve on IMLS Grant Core Team
Dr. Villagran has been selected to serve, as an expert on cultural diversity, on the core team for the IMLS grant titled “Destination Preservation: A Roadmap for Libraries Leading Participatory Archiving Projects” to ensure that aspects of culture and diversity are considered. This two-year grant project, launched by the University Archives & Special Collections (UASC) in the Joseph P. Healey Library at the University of Massachusetts Boston, seeks to build an accessible, adaptable, and engaging “roadmap” to guide libraries of all kinds and sizes through the process of collecting and preserving materials in partnership with their community members. The core team includes additional representatives from Boston Public Library, Digital Commonwealth, Maine Historical Society, Massachusetts Archives, Metropolitan New York Library Council, Newark Public Library, and University of Massachusetts Boston. The team is currently in the first phase of the project focusing on the knowledge, attitudes and practices of libraries and cultural organizations already doing participatory archiving events. Read more about the project here.
Dr. Michael Stephens Joins Advisory Board for IMLS Grant on Civic Engagement
Dr. Stephens will be serving on the advisory board of a recently funded IMLS grant Training Future Librarians for Civic Engagement and City Collaboration. The project focuses on civic technology. Civic technology is an emerging set of practices in using information and communication tools to foster civic engagement in local geographic areas. Researchers at the School of Information at the University of Michigan proposed a three-year project to train librarians on how to work with civic organizations to promote greater civic engagement. As part of the program, LIS students will work under the direct supervision of city staff on civic engagement projects, while being mentored by professional librarians. The project will also develop LIS curriculum on how to build sustainable relationships with cities, help students work with diverse populations, and conduct the participatory research that is core to most civic engagement efforts. The project will develop two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on theories and methods relevant to civic engagement. One course will be oriented to public librarians and the other will be for people working for city governments.
Dr. Stephens will bring his extensive background in online learning to the group. This includes his teaching in our 100% online Information Science program, his work designing courses utilizing open pedagogy and open educational practices, and his experience developing the Hyperlinked Library MOOC in 2013 for library staff professional development. Dr. Stephens said: “I believe that the resources developed through this project will offer support and learning opportunities for future librarians to enhance the relationship between citizens and their local government.”
Dr. Lili Luo Serves as Evaluator for IMLS Grant
Dr. Luo Lili joins the IMLS grant project titled “National Forum on the Assessment of Scholarly Communication Programs” as an evaluator. Her role is to provide methodological expertise in the data gathering and analysis for the project. With the support of the grant, the Sacramento State University Library, in collaboration with the San Jose State University Library, will hold a two-day forum that will focus on standards and best practices in evaluating scholarly communications programs at large master’s degree-granting public universities. Forum attendees will include experts from library assessment, who may have experience in scholarly communication, to present and lead discussions on how existing assessment techniques can be implemented for scholarly communication services. The forum will result in a report with recommendations for standards and a comprehensive set of best practices in assessing the range of services that comprise a scholarly communication program.
Dr. Anthony Bernier Receives 2019 ALISE Research Grant
Dr. Bernier has been selected as the winner of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Research Grant competition for his proposal: “Recasting First Generation Student Experience for LIS Success.” His proposal was singled out by reviewers for its potential for contributions to LIS education. The award will be given at the Awards Luncheon at this years’ annual ALISE conference in the fall.